My Subscriptions

Please note: This system is immediate and fully automated.


  1. Producer Accelerator Program: If you ever come back in the future, you will lose all past lessons covered already and any future lessons covered while gone. When you rejoin, they will be locked in the vault and not accessible until you remain a consistent member for several months. As for the Monthly Producer Accelerator Program, you must start over from month 1 rather than continuing from where you left off.
  2. All programs: The trial offer won’t be available to returning members so you’ll have to pay the membership fee upfront if you ever return. You can only receive the free introductory gifts to one address (1 per household). The membership fee has also increased for new members so if you ever decide to come back, you lose the grandfathered locked-in rate. Current members will always be locked into their original rate regardless of increased fees or inflation adjustments.
  3. Membership may be closed so you may not be able to join. We only open up spots to the public during certain times of the year or privately offer it to current customers after a purchase. We like to keep the club very private to ensure our full attention is on current members and not always orienting new members. If it grows too fast and we see our attention diverting, we may have periods where we don’t offer it to the public for extended periods.

*If you received free introductory gifts, you do not have to return those. My word is my word. Those are yours for giving us a fair try. Thank you for being a member. ☺

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Membership name:


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Sorry, we didn’t find any active subscriptions or your membership is canceled, associated with your account.

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